Carnegie Mellon University

Documents by Title — Complete Catalog

Name Description
Accommodation Request Form Used to request a reasonable accommodation for a disability that impacts or limits your ability to perform or function in the workplace
Activity Pay Agreement Template [docx] Used to outline terms of activity pay agreement
Activity Pay Form [pdf] Used to request activity pay to be initiated through the HR Service Center
Annual Performance Management Template for Employee Self-Evaluation [docx] Guides staff members through the components of the self-evaluation in Workday
Annual Performance Management Template for Supervisor Evaluation [docx] Guides supervisors through the components of the annual performance review for an employee in Workday
Application for Family and Medical Leave of Absence [pdf] Used to apply for FMLA leave
Application for Tuition Benefits for Employees — Supervisor Employee Form [pdf] Used by employees to request tuition benefits for themselves; does not need to be completed for those requesting dependent tuition benefits
Award Programs: Guidance for Departments [pdf] This document is intended to help departments develop an effective staff award program; also see the Staff Retention and Recognition Guidance [pdf] for more information
Calibrating Performance Evaluations: Guidance for CMU Leadership [pdf] Provides deans and vice presidents with resources to administer the calibration process within their college or division
Certification for Employee's Own Serious Health Condition [pdf] Accompanies Application for Family and Medical Leave of Absence when applying for own health condition
Certification for Family Member's Serious Health Condition [pdf] Accompanies Application for Family and Medical Leave of Absence when applying for family member's health condition
Certification for Serious Injury or Illness of Covered Service Member [pdf] Accompanies Application for Family and Medical Leave of Absence when applying for covered service member
Change in Work Location from Non-U.S. Remote to U.S. Campus Memo Template (Employee) [docx] Establishes first day of employment in the U.S. for exempt employees (faculty and staff) working remotely from a non-U.S. location
Change Supervisory Organization Request Form [xlsx] Submit via the Supervisory Organization Request in Workday to request changes to an existing supervisory organization
Compensation Guidelines: Activity Pay and One-Time Payment [pdf] Sets forth the guidelines for initiating activity pay and one-time payments, two compensation actions that fall outside the university’s standard approach of compensating individuals by means of a salary or hourly wage
Compensation Changes for Hourly Student Workers [pdf] Step by step guidance regarding the Request Compensation Change business process to make hourly pay rate adjustment for student workers during the academic year, when the pay rate change does not warrant a new position. 
Compensation Guidelines: Staff [pdf] Guides hiring managers, supervisors, approvers and HR representatives through the process of determining compensation
Cyert Center Sliding Scale Application and Forms Used to estimate and apply for a reduction in the Cyert Center’s tuition rate, taking into account your family income for the prior calendar year
Demotion Memo Template Please contact your HR business partner for a template
Dependent Eligibility Documentation Requirements [pdf] Details the supporting documentation required when adding a dependent to your benefits
Domestic Partner Registration Packet [pdf] Contains the document(s) required to initiate or terminate a partnership and enroll the partner in benefits
Exit Interview Process Overview [pdf] Describes the exit interview process that applies to full- and part-time staff who are voluntarily separating from employment with CMU
Five-Tier Performance Rating Scale [pdf] Describes the five performance rating tiers
Fixed-Term Appointment Extension Memo Template Please contact your HR business partner for a template
Flexible Work Arrangement Guidelines for Staff [pdf] Establishes Carnegie Mellon’s guidelines for requesting and approving flexible work arrangements for employees in positions based in the United States
Flexible Work Arrangement Agreement – Same State- Standard Hybrid / Telecommuting [docx] Used to document flexible work arrangements when the Employee’s hybrid/telecommuting location occurs within the same state as the employee’s designated work location in California, New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia or Washington D.C. (i.e., the employee’s home/residence is within the same state as the employee’s designated primary work location)
Form I-9 Instructions for Remote Workers Provides employees in locations outside of Pittsburgh with instructions for completing the Form I-9
Form I-9 List of Acceptable Documents Lists the documents employers may accept from employees to complete Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification
Goal Template [docx] Guides staff members and supervisors through the components used to create or modify a performance management goal in Workday
Graduate Student Hourly Job Profile Table [pdf] Lists job profile grade, code title and summary for graduate student hourly positions
Guidance for Completing the Form I-9 and E-Verify Requirements at CMU [pdf] Helps employees and student workers comply with the Form I-9 and E-Verify requirements at Carnegie Mellon University
Guidance on Conducting Reference Checks for Staff Positions [pdf] Gives hiring managers and search committee members the information and resources they need to ensure that effective and legal reference checks are conducted on their top candidate(s) prior to extending a job offer
Guidance on Creating and Updating Job Descriptions for Staff Positions [pdf] Helps supervisors create and update job descriptions for staff positions
Guidance on the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) [pdf] Helps employees and their supervisors maintain compliance with the FLSA overtime and timekeeping provisions
Guidelines for Hiring Staff [pdf] Provides a comprehensive overview of Carnegie Mellon University’s staff hiring process
Guidelines for the Use of Compensation Data (External and Internal) at CMU [pdf] Outlines the appropriate use of compensation data — both internal and external — when determining compensation for a staff position
Hiring a Recent CMU Grad into a Transitional Graduate Position - Campus Guide [pdf] Outlines the process for campus on how to hire a recent CMU graduate into a transitional graduate position
Hourly Student Employment Work Periods Table [pdf] Lists work period dates, required actions and related considerations for campus members who employ student workers
Human Resources Glossary of Terms [pdf] Defines terms commonly used in Human Resources processes and policies
Interim Assignment Memo Template Please contact your HR business partner for a template
International Remote Work Guidelines for Faculty and Staff [pdf] Establishes guidelines for requesting and approving international remote working arrangements for faculty and staff in positions based in the U.S.
International Remote Working Arrangement Request Form [pdf] Used by departments to request authorization for an international remote work arrangement for a proposed new hire or current employee, or to revise an arrangement for a current employee
Job Description Template [pdf] Guides a hiring manager through the process of creating a job description
Job Family Structure [pdf] Groups the university's job families by job family group and relationship (faculty/staff/student)
Lactation Room Access Request Form Used to request card-swipe access to lactation rooms in university buildings
Lateral Reassignment with Change in Supervisor Memo Template Please contact your HR business partner for a template
MetLife Disability Claim Reporting Procedure [pdf] Provides instructions for initiating a short-term disability claim
Metro SmartBenefits Program Enrollment Form [pdf] Used by D.C.-based employees to enroll in SmartBenefits transit benefit program administered by the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (Metro)
Moving Funds to TIAA Form [pdf] Used to roll over your assets from an outside institution to CMU
New Supervisory Organization Request Form [pdf] Submit via the Supervisory Organization Request in Workday to request a new supervisory organization
Off-Cycle Compensation Adjustment Memo Template Please contact your HR business partner for a template
Offer Letter Template: Fixed-Term Appointment Please contact your recruiter for a template
Offer Letter Template: Fixed-Term Appointment Extension Please contact your HR generalist for a template
Offer Letter Template: Open-Ended Appointment Please contact your recruiter for a template
Offer Letter Template: Remote Work Arrangement  Please contact your HR business partner for a template
Onboarding Checklist for Employees Working Remotely from a Non-U.S. Location [pdf] Prepares new faculty and staff working remotely from a non-U.S. location to get started working remotely from their international location
Onboarding New Employees Working Remotely from a Non-U.S. Location: Guidance for Departments and Department Initiators [pdf] Addresses the onboarding requirements for eligible employees with approved International Remote Working Arrangements
One Time Payment Memo Template [docx] Used to inform an employee of a one time payment, including the reason, amount and pay date
One Time Payment Form [pdf] Used to request one time payment to be initiated through the HR Service Center
Performance Improvement Plan Template Please contact your HR business partner for a template
Post-Hire Employment Actions: Guidance on Promotion, Demotion, Lateral Transfer, Reclassification and Job Detail Change [pdf] Helps departments, supervisors and staff members understand and comply with practices and business processes for implementing promotions, demotions and lateral transfers of employees in staff positions as well as position reclassifications and job detail changes
Prior Service Credit Request Form [pdf] Submit this form to a retirement benefits specialist to have prior service at another non-profit college or university considered toward your vesting service under either the FSRP or the 401(k) Plan
Promotion Memo Template Please contact your HR business partner for a template
Providing Employment Verification and Job References: Guidance for CMU Employees [pdf] Gives supervisors and other CMU employees the resources they need to manage requests from third parties (e.g. other employers) for information about current and former employees
Reclassification Memo Template Please contact your HR business partner for a template
Reference Check Template for Managerial Positions [docx] Provides a script for conducting a candidate reference check for positions with managerial responsibilities
Reference Check Template for Non-Managerial Positions [docx] Provides a script for conducting a candidate reference check for positions with non-managerial responsibilities
Search Committee Guidance [pdf] Provides search committee members the information, tools and resources necessary to conduct a successful search
SMART Goal Worksheet [pdf] Defines SMART goals and provides information on how to set, align and monitor SMART goals
Staff Parental Leave Request Form [pdf] Submit this form to the Office of Human Resources to request a parental leave of absence
Staff Performance Management Guidelines [pdf] Establish a performance management process that allows the university to evaluate staff performance by objective standards and reward staff members according to performance
Staff Performance Management: Guidance for Staff [pdf] Guides members of Carnegie Mellon’s staff through the university’s performance management process as established in the Staff Performance Management Guidelines
Staff Performance Management: Guidance for Supervisors [pdf] Guides supervisors of Carnegie Mellon staff members through the university’s performance management process as established in the Staff Performance Management Guidelines
Staff Personnel Files: Guidance for Supervisors [pdf] Provides supervisors with guidance on what should and should not be maintained in staff personnel files and appropriate maintenance and safeguarding of those files
Staff Retention and Recognition Guidance [pdf]  This guidance is intended to help departments develop an effective staff recognition program
Statement of Understanding of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) [pdf] Completed by employee to confirm understanding of FERPA regulations
Stay Interviews: Guidance for Supervisors [pdf] Guides supervisors through the process of conducting a stay interview to identify the factors that entice an employee to stay at CMU
Title Guidelines for Staff Positions: Job Profile Title, Position Title, and Business Title [pdf] Explains the meaning and purpose of each title type, outlines the guidelines and processes associated with each type, and notes best practices for title selection and usage
Transitional Graduate Hiring Request Form [pdf] Request form for hiring a transitional graduate 
Undergraduate and Graduate Student Pay Ranges [pdf] Lists pay grade descriptions and ranges for hourly student positions
Undergraduate Student Hourly Job Profile Table [pdf] Lists job profile grade, code title and summary for undergraduate student hourly positions
United Way Pledge Form [pdf] Submit to the HR Service Center to donate via one-time donation or recurring payroll deduction
Wire Transfer Payroll Setup Form [pdf] Use this form to set up wire instructions for payment to a foreign bank account
Workday Security Role Change Request Form [docx] Submit via the Supervisory Organization Request in Workday to request a change to a Workday role for an employee in your supervisory organization
Workers' Compensation Packet [pdf] Must be completed when a work-related injury or illness has occurred
Workers' Compensation Panel Physicians [pdf] Lists approved providers to ensure that your employer or insurance company will pay for follow-up medical treatment following a work injury