Student Organization Financial Management
As a Carnegie Mellon student organization (org), you have an obligation to manage your finances in order to grow and to maintain the health of your organization. Whether you're a finance whiz or new to the process, the Office Student Leadership, Involvement, and Civic Engagement (SLICE) has guided resources to support your organization's success.
Contact with specific finance questions for your student organization.
Quick Facts to Get Started
- Each student organization has a unique university account referred to as an Oracle account with its own unique Oracle string.
- Money can only be spent from the organization’s oracle account with an Authorized Signer’s permission. Student orgs are required to have 2 authorized signers.
- Each organization is recommended to keep track of all expenditures, reimbursements, and revenue (dues, fundraising, ticket sales, etc.) no matter what account and how the organization is funded.
Understand Your Account Type
AGENCY Accounts
All student organizations have an "Agency" account. This is the primary account for most organizations, where JFC allocations, fundraisers and membership dues are deposited. Agency accounts are expected to comply with University policies. However, there are some exceptions.
JFC allocations come from the student activities fee. It is imperative that student organizations make ethical and responsible choices with how they spend their org funds. These funds are paid for by other CMU students, and the expenses should be reflective of activities that all students would reasonably agree to contribute to the student experience.
Gift Accounts
All student organizations have a gift account. It is important to note that while donations are made to a specific student organization they are subject to Carnegie Mellon University Gift policies and procedures. Gift accounts are where donated funds are deposited. These donations do not require anything in return.
Gift account funds can be spent on items that are in line with the mission of the organization and of Carnegie Mellon. Some restrictions apply including, but not limited to:
- No transfers to another account
- No donations
- No housing payments (FSL organizations)
- No refunds of any sort
- No alcohol (unless the Director of SLICE grants an exception)
- Membership dues cannot be made to a gift account, only to an org account.
Tracking Your Finances
Each organization is recommended to keep track of all expenditures, reimbursements, and revenue (dues, fundraising, ticket sales, etc.) no matter what account and how the organization is funded.
Access Your Finance Transactions on TartanConnect
Manage your Budget
Training & Materials
At the beginning of the fall or spring semester, student organization leaders wishing to become Authorized Signers can register for SLICE's REACH Training Program. This training must be completed annually.
Whether you're looking for training or need a finance refresher, the Office of SLICE has official training modules, videos and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs ) to help manage your organization's financial needs.
Traveling & Making Appointments
We want to help you get to where you're going. You can utilize various SLICE services or meet with a staff member to help you navigate your organization's finances.
Making Travel Arrangements
The SLICE office has the ability to assist organizations with travel arrangements through direct booking through Concur or through a scheduled travel meeting. SLICE can arrange for direct payment from your student organization's financial account for automotive transportation, air travel and/or lodging reservations.